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To navigate through the Ribbon, use standard browser navigation keys. To skip between groups, use Ctrl LEFT or Ctrl RIGHT. To activate a command, use Enter. Kamis, 16 November 2017.
Sebuah penelitian di Inggris menyebutkan bahwa sebaiknya manula mengkonsumsi aspirin setiap hari untuk mencegah timbulnya serangan jantung. Serangan jantung terjadi ketika pembuluh darah tersumbat oleh plak. Aspirin mampu membuat plak menjadi encer dan membuka jalur pembuluh darah. Namun menurut The British Heart Foundation masih diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk meresepkan aspirin bagi manula. Lansia Perokok Beresiko Serangan Jantung.
To navigate through the Ribbon, use standard browser navigation keys. To skip between groups, use Ctrl LEFT or Ctrl RIGHT. To activate a command, use Enter. Jumat, 9 Desember 2016.
To navigate through the Ribbon, use standard browser navigation keys. To skip between groups, use Ctrl LEFT or Ctrl RIGHT. To activate a command, use Enter. Senin, 17 April 2017.
To navigate through the Ribbon, use standard browser navigation keys. To skip between groups, use Ctrl LEFT or Ctrl RIGHT. To activate a command, use Enter. Senin, 29 Juni 2015.
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